about shiloh
We are an autonomously constituted Apostolic Household of Faith, governed by God’s Word and order in their assembly. The Household operates as a spiritual family, with spiritual parents, and spiritual sons. We believe, as taught by Scripture, that God has placed a set man (leader) over us (Numbers 27:16, Hebrews 13:17), who serves the Body of Christ, through grace (as part of the five-fold ministry grace giftings given by Jesus – Ephesians 4:11).
Our mission and mandate concern the full formation of Christ in His people, which finds expression by proclaiming His accomplished work on the cross, i.e. the forgiveness of sins through the atoning death of Christ; the believer’s water baptism; the baptism of the Holy Spirit with signs following; the diverse gifts of the Holy Spirit and of our Lord Jesus Christ; and the equipping of “the Church which is His Body.”
Establishing God’s Kingdom
Building His Temple
Restoring the Image of the Son
church times
Join us Sundays at Shiloh to experience the vibrancy and reality of this Family Life, a Life in abundance, a Life in Christ!
As part of the Kingdom of God, Shiloh is an Apostolic Household of Faith, or Family.
An Apostolic Family is firstly “Apostolic,” in that it is relationally governed by the apostolic fathering grace (1 Cor 4:15), which resultantly establishes God’s order in the assembly (Titus 1:5) and imparts grace to those in the household. Furthermore, it is a “House” implying that it is a dwelling place, a household where family live; a family in which there is a spiritual father, mother and sons.
We are part of God’s household as sons, and the set man is the spiritual father of the house, so chosen and ordained by God, to be His representative in governing the local assembly, through love (Num 27:16, Hebr 13:17). As in the natural we are part of families with fathers and mothers, also in the spiritual, as this is the order God has chosen for His church (Eph 6:1).
Importantly, this is the place where sons of God dwell together in unity (Ps 133); where they are immersed and baptised into the name, nature and character of God and discipled in the Word of God (Matt 28:19-20). Shiloh is built on the only true foundation of CHRIST (1 Cor 3:11) as laid by the Apostles’ Foundation of Doctrine (Eph 2:20).
Shiloh is about Truth. Jesus, our Saviour, is the Truth, the Way and the Life. Shiloh is a city with a tabernacle. Shiloh is a place of peace and tranquillity.
Shiloh can be seen in Scripture as a person, place, and promise. The word Shiloh is used 32 times in the Bible to refer to a location. In Genesis 49:10, Jacob refers to a person who would bring peace and tranquility. This also comes with a prophecy or promise of the Messiah. The coming Saviour will come into power and give us peace.
Reformation through accurate truth.